Risk Project Management Certified Specialist

In a world full of uncertainty, the ability to manage risks is a strategic advantage. This certification develops your skills to identify, assess, and mitigate risks in projects of any scale. Learn to make informed decisions, minimize negative impacts, and ensure success in complex environments. This certification positions you as the key professional who safeguards investments and ensures projects run smoothly, even under the most challenging circumstances.

$USD 200

About This Certitification

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Exam Name: Risk Project Management Certified Specialist – RPMCS
Exam Format: Multiple-Choice questions
Exam Delivery: Web-based (single browser),
closed book, not outside assistance, timed
Exam Duration: Once the exam begins, students
have 60 minutes to complete the exam
Number of Questions: 40
Passing Score: 65%
Available Languages: English/Spanish
Study Material: Pdf and multimedia format
Prerrequisites: No
Learning podcast: yes

Get certified through self-study!

You will have up to 90 days to prepare on your own.
No need to coordinate anything, everything is completely autonomous.
It’s that simple!

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